September 25, 2018
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm -
Program and Networking
September 25, 2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Professionalism: The Importance of Building Your Personal, Team and Business Brand
Please join us! Professionalism has been a topic that has been whispered about for some time in the BD community. Indeed what are key markers that make a BD (and Operations!) pro? What does “stepping up your game” look like? How is your organization viewed in the marketplace? All are integral in a Business Development outreach strategy. The BD Guild is ready to tackle these and other crucial questions on September 25th. Bring your team to listen, learn and participate in what will be yet another lively discussion.
Ticket prices are shown below. Please choose the appropriate ticket!
The online buying period for regular pricing will ALWAYS close the Friday at 6:00 PM prior to the meeting date.
Venue: Esplanade E Center
Look for the red valet umbrella for reference! Free complimentary valet for members…parking garage next to the venue.
I had the opportunity to meet the BD group for the first time in September. What a great presentation and a great network mixer.